Are you focused?
Do you have a vision beyond next year? Do you know how to get there? Are you getting there?
“We have been able to move the organization forward because of the plan. I have never seen this come out of strategic planning in a lifetime of working in non-profits.”
Anne Biberman, Fairbanks Concert Association

What should a strategic plan do?
A sound strategic plan:
- clearly focuses and unifies your efforts and those of your staff toward a measurable vision.
- distills the issues that prevent progress and sets in motion steps to correct them.
- relieves what can seem an overwhelming stress on leadership: everyone is working toward a common purpose, there is accountability for the work to be done and the results are measurable
How should the plan look and feel? It should be easy to use and absolutely clear regarding the tasks at hand.
The Vision Navigation® chart has been a great tool for our organization. It is hanging on the wall just outside our staff break room so it is a visual reminder of our goals & strategies and that we are working collaboratively to achieve them. I am also using the chart at my Board meetings to keep Board members updated on our progress.”
Cheryl Boyum, CEO, Cascade Health
Where there is no strategic plan
When there is no clear strategic plan in place your staff is focused on putting out fires or working hard on what is important in their sphere of influence, their domains. Staff is disconnected from leadership and from each other, because there is little sense of a common vision to move toward. In an organization with limited resources in cash and/or staff, this lack of clarity can have disastrous impacts.
This is frequently the case when past planning efforts fell flat, with minimal measurable progress to speak of. Why set out on another strategic planning process when the result of the organization’s last attempt was lackluster at best? Is it that important?
It is important when it is done well. Efforts and directions are clear and focused. The staff and leadership move together in the same direction and begin to see real, measurable results.
Our organization always struggled to connect where we wanted to go with how to get there. Vision Navigation® provided the connection we needed.”
Chris Schutte, Anchorage Downtown Partnership
Get some key strategic planning action steps
Our library article Capturing More from Your Strategic Plan outlines what you can do to get the most from your current plan.
Or if you are looking for more tailored help for your specific situation, complete our free strategic planning assessment. You will be answered by one of our team members with at least two specific actions you can take now to improve your current plan or begin a new one.
Starting at ground zero
Do you need more than action steps? Do you need a clear, focused direction and tool to get you there? PGS’ strategic planning process, Vision Navigation® will give you:
- A clear, measurable long term vision
- Specific projects to grow your organization and move it toward the vision
- Identified issues preventing growth with specific steps to resolve them
- A one-page, simple tool that includes a timeline, responsibility for work to be done and measures to track success
But we want to make sure we can fit your needs. Contact us for a free, no cost consultation to see if our Vision Navigation® process is the solution to your frustrations with strategic planning.